What's scarier than shingles and covid? Getting hit by a deer--THAT'S WHAT. So--I'm minding my own business driving to work the other day and from out of nowhere--a huge deer--while attempting to cross route 32-- literally smashed into my car. It was awful. The poor deer. I was shocked when it got up and limped into the woods. What was equally shocking was that NOT ONE PERSON STOPPED. People drove around the deer and my car and just kept going on their merry way. When I finally recovered enough, I moved my car to the side of the road. I was literally SHAKEN AND STIRRED. I still can't believe NO ONE STOPPED. But the poor deer. It's our fault really. These poor animals have NO WHERE ELSE TO GO. We have encroached on their land--how many dollars stores, malls and fast food restaurants do we need?? I'm fine and my car can be fixed but what about the deer? I love deer. They are one of the most beautiful, elegant animals I've ever seen. Hoping that the deer is in recovery mode and lives a good long time. While recovering from my latest escapade, I read a great mystery called
Girls Like Us by Cristina Alger. In this crime drama, Nell Flynn is an FBI agent on medical leave who goes home to Long Island after her father, Martin, dies in a motorcycle accident. Martin, a Suffolk County detective, was investing the mysterious death of a 17 year old at the time of his death. After another girl ends up dead, Martin's partner, Lee Davis, asks Nell help solve the serial cases. While investing, Nell begins to question her own mother's mysterious death, especially, when all leads make her own father look like the prime suspect. Find out who killed Nell's mother and who is responsible for the murders in Suffolk Country when you read this page turner for yourself. It's about 290 pages or a 3 mile run that will keep you guessing until the end.