Remember when you took Christmas for granted? Well NOT anymore. It was a COVID CHRISTMAS at our house. Seriously. NO presents, NO family--NO NOTHING. Yes--IT IS a lot of work getting ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas BUT the alternative is MUCH WORSE. Realized how much I appreciate my family and friends AND how much I depend on them to make the holidays MERRY. So next time you complain or feel stressed about the holidays--STOP for a moment--and think of the alternative. It's all good. NO worries--We will be celebrating Christmas this weekend and will be GRATEFUL for that. HOHOHO. The only good thing about being stuck home with COVID--I finished a very good book, The House of Doors by Tan Twan Eng. As the novel unfolds, it is 1947 and Leslie Hamlyn has been living in Africa for many years. One day she gets a book in the mail, The Casuarina Tree by William Somerset Maugham (author of The Razor's Edge, The Painted Veil, Of Human Bondage-- my favorites) that immediately makes her think back to the Island of Penang. It was 1921, when Leslie and her husband, Robert found out that his old war buddy, Willie Maugham, and secretary were going to spend two weeks with them at Cassoway House. Willie was desperate to find a subject for his next book, especially, after finding out he had lost everything on a business venture. His marriage of convenience was a disaster and his sexuality was often in question as he traveled around the world with his secretary, Gerald. As Willie and Leslie forge a friendship, he learns of her connections to Chinese Revolutionaries including Dr. Sun Yat Sen. He also learns more than he bargained for about the island--murder, affairs and other fodder for his next great book. This novel of 320 pages is based on real events--it's a multilayered tale of love, deceit, betrayal and hypocrisy--on every level--that is unforgettable. This is historical fiction at its best--Enjoy.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Monday, December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023 BORN TO RUN
Did you grow up--BACK IN THE DAY?? When your parents didn't know where the HELL you were AND didn't seem to care---As long as you made it home for dinner. Summer days were spent running around the fields, riding bikes, or swimming in the pond. FREEDOM. The good old American Childhood. My brothers and I were left home to fend for ourselves in the summer. We were young--the oldest being 11 years old. It was survival of the fittest. Kool aid and fluffernutter sandwiches if we were lucky. I can vividly remember sweating to death in the heat and humidity thinking the sprinkler in the backyard was the answer to our prayers. Life was pretty simple and innocent. If you want to feel that way again then I recommend you check out John L. Parker's lovely novel Racing The Rain. Parker is a three time Southeastern Conference mile champion, US Track and Field National Champion and former Olympic runner. Racing the Rain is the prequel to his incredible book Once a Runner. The main character of this coming of age story is Quentin Cassidy, who grows up in the Florida Gold Coast in the 1950s-60s. As the story unfolds, Quentin is a young boy of about ten who loves running. Parker captures the innocence of youth as Quentin runs barefoot not only against his friends, but against the rain because it's fun. As Quention grows, he discovers that he has a gift--speed-- but also perseverance, and a desire to win. The reader then follows Quentin through junior high and high school where he learns many lesson from coaches (good and bad) and mentors including the eccentric "Tarzan of the Swamp" John Nelson. The writing is flawless--the descriptions vivid--and the cast of characters--priceless. You don't have to be a runner to enjoy this book. It's really about so much more. This little gem is about 360 pages and well worth your time. Enjoy.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023 BLOW YOUR OWN TRUMPET
Saturday, November 18, 2023
November 18, 2023 WILD HORSES
I think I've finally lost it. Got up this morning--bright and early. Super excited. Going to Radio City Music Hall to see the Christmas Show. I'm all showered--make up applied--dressed--bag packed. READY TO GO. And I find out it's NOT TIL TOMORROW. What a DOPE. How did I mess that up??? UGH. There's nothing worse than being ALL DRESSED UP AND READY TO GO---AND THERE'S NOWHERE TO GO. So I did what any reasonable person would do--changed--went to yoga class--followed by a 4 mile run. Didn't tell you the best part--my partner in crime--thought it was today too. That makes me feel A LITTLE BIT BETTER--I think??? SO--we will wake up bright and early again tomorrow and get it right--At least we will already know what we're going to wear. This one will definitely go in the record book. Just read an incredible book based on a true story about a horse named Lexington who was a record breaking stallion, Geraldine Brooks novel Horse. This saga flips back and for in time between 1850 and 2019. As the story unfolds, Theo, an art historian, finds a painting of a horse in a garbage pile near his house. He decides to take it to a friend at the Smithsonian to see if it's valuable. Meanwhile, Jess, an osteologist, discovers bones at the Smithsonian, that she thinks belong to Lexington, the greatest racehorse of all time. Theo and Jess meet one afternoon after a bike mishap and realize they are both interested in discovering more about the horse and their friendship develops from there. Meanwhile, Martha Jackson, an art gallery owner, is given a painting by her maid. It is a painting handed down in her family and she wants to know the value because she needs money. Back in 1850, Jarrett, a slave on a plantation, forms a life-long bond with a newborn foal, who turns into the greatest racehorse of all time. He also forges a long friendship with a painter named Thomas Scott, whose subject is horses. This is historical fiction at its best. It's a story about American horse racing in the deep South before the Civil War and during the Civil War. It's also a story about slavery, art, greed, love and horses that I found super interesting and well written. It's about 400 pages of reading that's worth your time. Enjoy.
Friday, November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023 ALIVE AND KICKING
Soccer. ECC finals. Double Overtime. Double PKS. What a way to lose a game. That's what happened the other night at my son's soccer game. And he's the GOALIE. Poor Kid. --Almost the same thing happened 10 years ago at my daughter's State Semi-final game. It's a killer. Losing in penalty kicks in overtime?? There's got to be a better way to end a game. UGH. Sports teach kids so many lessons. Commitment--teamwork--discipline--resilience AND coping with failure. No matter what game you are playing--someone has to lose AND YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS WIN. Accepting success with humility and defeat with grace are lessons that are invaluable not only in soccer BUT IN LIFE. The boys have moved on to States--just made it to the QUARTER FINALS. Keeping my fingers crossed and loving every minute of it. I also spent the last week reading National Book Award Finalist, Tea Obreht's book, The Tiger's Wife. This novel takes place in an unnamed Balkan country that has survived many years of war. The main character, Natalia and her lifelong friend Zora, are medical students traveling to an orphanage to give much needed innoculations to the kids. During their journey to the orphanage, Natalia finds out that her cherished grandfather has died. As a child, Natalia was very close to her grandfather and she spent several hours at the zoo with him as he told her fantastical stories of The Deathless Man and The Tiger's Wife. While working at the orphanage, Natalia remembers those stories that her grandfather said--made him a man. The novel shifts back and forth between the tiger and town of Galina where her grandfather grew up, the deathless man, and Natalia's time at the orphanage. This book is part magical realism, part mystery, love story and the tragic consequences of war. It's a lot. I enjoyed the writing and many of the well written characters, but I was a little confused at times because it does jump around a bit. And the magical realism part troubled me a bit too. Magical realism isn't really my thing, but some people love it. All in all though, I enjoyed the book but it is a dense 350 pages. Let me know what you think.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
October 29, 2023 MOLLY MALONE
Back in the day.....I would go out til 3:00am--get up -- go to work--REPEAT. Thought nothing of it. How times have changed---Was out Friday and Saturday night til 11:00 and I'm fried. It's going to take me a week to recover. Might even have to take a nap today. Times sure have changed. Don't think I could stay up until 3:00am even if I wanted to. I am literally in bed on school nights by 9:00. PATHETIC. My husband says--nothing good happens after 11:00pm and he's probably right BOTH literally and figuratively speaking--At least in my case. HA! I just finished a WONDERFUL book. A real keeper by an Irish writer named Niall Williams called This is Happiness. The narrator of this brilliant novel is 78 year old Noe Crowe. Noe tells the story of a summer he spent with his grandparents, Ganga and Doady, on their farm in the tiny, rural village of Faha, County Clare, Ireland. It was 1958 and Noe was 17 years old when his parents sent him to Faha after a failed attempt at the seminary. Soon after his arrival, the rain stopped and Christy McMahon arrived from the electric company to pull Faha out of the dark ages. Christy also has an ulterior motive for coming to Faha--he's looking for his long lost love. Christy and Noe strike up a friendship after Christy becomes a lodger in Noe's grandparents home. This is a story of small town life, with all its quirks and warts, on the brink of change with the coming of "the electricity." Noe Crowe, the narrator, takes the reader on a sentimental journey back to a time of innocence, to rediscover old friendships, love and family. This story is hilarious, beautiful, heartfelt, nostalgic AND the characters are well crafted--and unforgettable. If you enjoy Irish literature--this 400 page book is definitely for you--if not give it a try--you won't be disappointed.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
October 22, 2023 FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE
Been having trouble finding the right book lately. I've opened several books, read a few pages and said UGH. Just haven't found what I'm looking for? Not sure I even know. So I decided to get myself to Book Barn this weekend and buy a pile of books. Hopefully one of the eight books sitting on the table in front of me will BE THE ONE. It's funny--sometimes I read books like some people eat potato chips AND then I have a dry spell. It's not good for me. I REALLY need the escape. Right before the Great Book Drought-- I read a book I really enjoyed called The Last Russian Doll by Kristen Loesch. The main character in this epic is Rosie, a college student who emigrated from Russia to England with her mother under mysterious circumstances. Soon after her mother dies, Rosie gets an opportunity to go back to Russia to learn about her family. She has few clues other than a porcelain doll collection. The book then flashes back and forth between the present and the early 1900s where the reader learns about the saga of the women in her family amidst the history of Russia including the wars and the Great Purges. I really enjoyed this book but be warned that the names were hard to follow--keep a list so you don't get confused. The plot is also intertwined and can be confusing at times. Even with all that said, the book was super interesting--about 400 pages that flew by. Happy Reading.
Sunday, October 8, 2023
October 8, 2023 DON'T FEAR THE REAPER
Talk about a blast back to the past. When's the last time your went into an Elks Club, Polish Club, Moose Club? I highly recommend it. Felt like I went through a time warp AND it was a good thing. When's the last time you spent $14 on a round of drinks? Or $16 for a pasta dinner with apps and dessert?? OKAY--so the carpet, curtains, air conditioners, microphone system haven't been updated in 70 years......Who cares......$14 for FOUR drinks? It's a no brainer. The only thing missing was a jukebox. That would have made it perfect. Seriously though--they definitely need to RAISE prices so that they can make a few changes. New carpeting and curtains would be high on my list but who am I?? OR just maybe they like pretending it's still 1960--anything's better than 2023 right? Just finished a book that took me back in time called We Keep The Dead Close: A Murder At Harvard by Becky Cooper. Becky Cooper was a student at Harvard in 2009 when she first heard about the death of Jane Britton. Britton was a graduate student in the Archaeology department at Harvard in 1969. On January 7, 1969, the day Britton was to appear for her finals, she was found brutally murdered in her Cambridge apartment. The murder was never solved and became a cold case until Cooper became obsessed with getting the case reopened. Cooper, an amateur investigator, chased down leads decades old, re-interviewed possible suspects, and gathered "circumstantial evidence" making several people prime suspects in her investigation which I found highly questionable. This book is a LONG journey back to the past that jumps around and around. I think Cooper tried to do too many things--including spending oodles of time on the Old Harvard Boys Club as one professor is a suspect in the case. This 500 page book could also be 250 pages shorter but that's just my opinion. Try it for yourself and let me know what you think.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
September 23, 2023 GLORY DAYS
One thing people never tell you is that your kids will grow up, move out, live their own lives AND it will never be the same. As my kids were growing up, I never really thought too much about it BECAUSE THEY WERE ALWAYS AROUND. But when they left-- everything changed. I guess I took my time with them for granted. We tend to take people for granted when they live with us day in and day out. I still see my older kids often-- BUT NOT ENOUGH FOR ME. It's really hard to go from knowing their every move to knowing NOTHING. Letting go is the hardest thing. I still struggle with it and I haven't lived with my older kids for over 10 years. Not sure what I'll do when my youngest leaves --in less than 2 years. Ugh. As horrible as the Pandemic was in 2020, one good thing happened. My daughter came home and lived with us again for several months. I LOVED having her home again. We walked, talked, and drove each other crazy. It was great. I was reminded of my (guilty) good fortune while reading Ann Patchett's new book Tom Lake. This little gem is set during the Pandemic in 2020 in Northern Michigan on a fruit farm. The main character, Lara Nelson, is enjoying spending time with her three adult daughters, Emily, Maisie and Nell, who have come home because of COVID restrictions. As many of the crew has abandoned the farm, Lara and her daughters need to help pick fruit for several hours a day, and to pass the time, they ask their mother to tell them the story of Peter Duke, a famous actor she knew briefly in the 1980s. The novel then jumps back and forth between the two time periods as Lara relates the story of her time at Tom Lake, a theater company, where she was almost famous playing Emily Gibbs in Our Town with Peter Duke. I don't want to say much more other than I totally enjoyed this book. It reminded me that we all have a summer in our past that stands out and it's fun to take a nostalgic look back at our glory days every once in a while. Find out all about Lara's past and her relationship with Peter Duke and other theater actors when you read this super enjoyable book for yourself. It's only 300 short and sweet pages. Enjoy.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
September 10, 2023 HOT OF THE MOMENT
Monday, September 4, 2023
September 4, 2023 TEARS IN HEAVEN
Monday, August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023 CHAIN OF FOOLS
Monday, August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023 SIX FEET UNDER
Sunday, August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023 TRIP AROUND THE SUN
Six birthdays between July and August. That's a lot of CAKE, PRESENTS, PARTIES, COOK-OUTS. I'm exhausted. Just finished the LAST party yesterday. It was the Queen's bday. Not sure why but her birthday goes ON AND ON. Seriously--for days and days. It all started with her STAYCATION on the beach--gorgeous week--6 friends and a lot of fun. It ended last night with a Mussels party (her fav) with family and friends. Enjoyed vegan pesto pasta, salad, bread and vegan key lime pie!! I'm telling you--I need a vacation from her staycation. Gonna kick up my feet--relax--and review the book I just finished. I totally enjoyed Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. This beautifully written family saga spans 1960-2008 and is set in Chicago. As the story unfolds, William Waters is the unfortunate child of parents spirally from the death of his sister. His parents are detached and their grief leaves William feeling unloved and unwanted. The only positive in his life is basketball. He excels in high school and is eventually recruited to play in college where he meets Julia Padavano. Julia and her sisters, Sylvie, Cecelia, and Emeline, are inseparable; best friends who share a tiny house with their parents, Charlie and Rose. After meeting William, Julia decides he's the one for her, but William's unhappy childhood haunts their future and an unforeseen tragedy changes everything and threatens the Padovano sisters' close relationship. This is a story about sibling love, family love, relationships, shifting allegiances, loss and acceptance. The characters are interesting, flawed people that you will come to love and miss when the story is over. It's about 400 pages of brilliant writing. Enjoy.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
August 3, 2023 WITCHY WOMAN
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Sunday, July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023 ONLY SIXTEEN
Sunday, July 9, 2023
When I was a kid, my grandparents used to take me to The Theatre by the Sea in Matunuck. I remember seeing Sha Na Na, Jesus Christ Superstar, My Fair Lady, Singing in the Rain, Show Boat etc........Haven't been to this little gem in 40 years--until yesterday. Got tickets to see Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. It was a REAL stroll down memory lane. The theatre itself hasn't changed much--it's actually a "barn theatre" that originally opened in 1933 to entertain and create jobs during the Depression. The theatre is actually celebrating its 90th year right now. That's amazing. Beautiful: The Carole King Musical was ALSO AMAZING--as good as any Broadway show! The cast, dancers and orchestra were electric. If you get a chance to check out this little theatre by the sea--you won't be disappointed. In the meantime, you can check out my review of Jane Harper's newest book Exiles. If you like a good crime novel-mystery then look no further. Aaron Falk, the main character, is a Federal Investigator on his way to a small town in Southern Australian to visit his former partner Raco and attend his godson's Christening. The Christening coincides with the one year anniversary of Kim Gillespie's disappearance. Kim simply vanished from a carnival --leaving her infant daughter behind. Falk and Raco start their own investigation and interview the cast of characters in this small town--where everyone knows your name. Why would anyone want Kim dead? Why would a mother abandon her baby? Why was her shoe found in a nearby river? Find out what happened to Kim and the rest of the characters when you read this mystery for yourself. The writing is good--the characters and vivid description of small town life and the landscape--will make you feel part of the story. It's on 360 pages--that I hope you will enjoy.
Saturday, June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023 AMAZING GRACE
Monday, June 12, 2023
Headed to Greece this week. It's going to be an amazing trip--Athens-Delphi-Meteora-Santorini. Can't wait. Celebrating our thirtieth anniversary. Time sure flies when you're having fun. Seems like just yesterday..........but it's not. It's three kids--one amazing cat--several dogs and a red bellied toad later. I do miss the good old days-- when the kids were little. I see young couples now with their kids and get exhausted just watching them. I hope they appreciate these days because they really are gone too soon. Back to the trip--I'm taking a few books for the flight--it's over 9 hours and I figure I can really get some serious reading done. In the meantime, I'll review the book I just finished. I needed a lighter, easier read this time around so I decided to read Peter Swanson's new book The Kind Worth Saving, the sequel to The Kind Worth Killing. I am a fan of Swanson and have read all of his books. They don't require a huge commitment and I enjoy mysteries with a twist or two. As this story unfolds, Joan Whalen has just hired private investigator Henry Kimball to follow her husband as she is convinced he is having an affair with a coworker. Interestingly enough, Joan and Henry have a history. Henry Kimball was once her English teacher in high school when a terrible tragedy occurred. While Kimball investigates Whalen's husband Richard, he gets more than he bargained for---two dead bodies and a feeling that things aren't how they appear. This story is told from multiple points of view with interesting characters who are in many cases deeply flawed. Find out what happens to Kimball and the rest of the characters when you read this 310 page novel that will keep you guessing until the bitter end. Enjoy.
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Have you tried playing pickleball? It's really fun. I started playing about a year ago. Even took lessons over the winter. It's a great way to get a little exercise and meet new people. If you've played tennis, table tennis or ping pong, then you're already way ahead of the game. It basically combines the elements of all three. The rules can be confusing at first but if you stick with it--it finally makes sense. I hear it's the new rave and towns are putting up pickleball courts or fighting about putting them up all over. I actually heard that they are going to make part of the Crystal Mall pickleball courts too?? If you haven't tried it, get out there and give it a whirl. Just try not to get PICKLED and for heaven's sake STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN. In other news, I Just finished Kate Morton's new book Homecoming. I am a huge fan of Morton and have read all of her books. I even waited patiently for five years for this gem. As the story unfolds, it's Christmas Eve 1959 and a man stumbles on a gruesome scene in Tambilla, Australia. Sixty years later, Jess, the main character, is coming home to Sydney, Australia, to take care of her ailing grandmother, Nora. Upon her arrival, Jess stumbles on some papers about the tragedy from 1959 and realizes she is related to the family. As an investigative journalist, Jess decides to uncover the truth about the events from 1959 at Adelaide Hills but learns more than she bargained for. Morton is a lovely writer whose vivid descriptions of the scenery and house transport the reader through time-- but I will also say that at times I found some descriptions repetitive and too long. As with her other novels, this is also told from multiple points of view so it can be confusing--so pay attention. There are also several characters as the story drifts between two places at two differents of time--but the lovely part is that they all come together and make sense by the end of this mystery/family saga. Again, it was a bit too long, but Morton is a lovely story teller and I really enjoyed the book.
Saturday, May 13, 2023
Abraham Verghese is one of my favorite writers. It is important to note though that he is first and foremost a doctor. Because of his commitment to medicine, he has only written 4 books--as he only writes in his spare time. Not sure if anyone remembers but way back in 1995 when I was a RTC student at Connecticut College, Verghese's first book, a memoir, was the summer required reading. It was called My Own Country and Verghese actually came to the college to speak about his book and the stigma associated with the AID virus. At the time, Verghese was an infectious disease doctor in Johnson City, Tennessee and worked with some of the first AIDS patients. His humanity and compassion for his patients still lingers in my memory thirty years later. He also wrote The Tennis Partner and one of my all time favorite books Cutting For Stone way back in 2009. I've been waiting patiently.....(14 Years) for a new book and it was finally released on May 2, 2023. It's called The Covenant of Water and it was incredible. This epic spans three generations and is set in Kerala, South India on the Malabar Coast between 1900-1977. As the story unfolds, a marriage broker has just arranged a marriage between a 12 year old girl and a 40 year old widower with a two year old son named JoJo. The young girl leaves her family to live on a 500 acre farm called Parambil. The family she marries into has a secret called "The Condition". Someone from each generation dies by drowning. The young girl eventually becomes the matriarch of the family and is known as Big Ammachi. This is a beautifully written novel, with so many interesting characters AND an ending I will never forget AND didn't see coming. It is also rich in historical details including British colonization, WWII, Independence in India, and the dreaded caste system. Remember Verghese is a doctor so the novel also tackles the development of medicine in India. Again, this novel is about so many things--family, love, loss, addiction, that Verghese somehow weaves together in a novel you will never forget. It is a commitment though--760 pages--BUT who cares. I could read his novels forever. Happy Reading.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
I'm a huge fan of Charles Dickens. He is arguably the greatest novelist of his time. He was a
master at creating characters who came alive. They seemed so real that they could have been a neighbor or you wanted them to be your neighbor. Dickens' characters understood what readers needed and helped them learn from their experiences in his novels. He understood the human psyche to a tee and wrote about abandonment, poverty and social injustice with a mixture of humor and emotion that was exceptional. He could also paint a scene with words as wonderful as a Monet painting. When I read book reviews--and see the word Dickensian--I immediately read the book and those are the authors who become my favorite writers. When I heard that Barbara Kingsolver's new book was a modern adaptation of David Copperfield, I knew I had to read it. Kingsolver is also an incredible writer so I knew I could count on her to do Dickens justice in Demon Copperhead. Damen Fields a.k.a. Demon Copperhead, the narrator of this novel, is born to a teenage mother and lives in a single wide trailer in the mountains of Southern Appalachia. Early on he becomes an orphan and is shuffled through the DDS system where he spends time in several foster homes. This is a story of resilience and survival as Demon lives in poverty then struggles with success, addiction, misunderstood love, and loss. It's also about our society, that's structured to keep the poor living in poverty. It seem that everytime Demon takes a step forward, he takes 3 steps back. He story is at times heartbreaking, but Demon also finds the humor in his situation as he is wise beyond his years. He's is a character every reader will love and root for because of his unfortunate situation. It was a page turner for me because I was invested in the characters and wanted to know how they would turn out in the end. This book is a bit of a commitment at 560 pages, but it's well worth the effort as the characters and their plights will stay with you for a long time. EnjoySunday, April 23, 2023
Not sure if you saw the article in the paper the other day--"Trump touts authoritarian vision for a second term: 'I am your justice'". It should scare the crap out of you. His intention is to instill FEAR so that the public with give HIM the power to fix EVERY problem in our nation because ONLY HE KNOWS HOW TO FIX THEM. Yes, times are CRAZY right now BUT if anyone thinks TRUMP is going to make things better--THINK AGAIN--or read Celeste NG's new book Our Missing Hearts. Set in the unknown distant future, A "Crisis" has taken place in the United States and the new Authoritarian government--based on fear, bigotry and racism--is in power. They have instituted PACT--Preserving American Culture and Traditions--as a way to control the masses. Books are banned, history is rewritten, neighbors are spying on each other and reporting suspicious activity to the government. There is also a deep hatred of Asian people (the scapegoats) where violence against them is commonplace. The main character in this novel is twelve year old Bird Gardner. He lives with his father Ethan and mother Margaret in Cambridge. His mother is a famous Chinese American poet whose books have been banned and one day she quietly disappears. The story centers on Bird's quest to find his mother and understand her disappearance when any mention of her name is unpatriotic. That's all I'm going to say about this timely novel except this is a cautionary tale of what could happen in the United States......and it scares me. This 350 page novel is a must read account of HOW NOT TO LIVE.
Saturday, April 15, 2023
April 15, 2023 THE POST WAR DREAM
Couldn't have asked for a better April break. The weather was incredible. I actually went to the beach a few times because it was 80 degrees! When I wasn't at the beach though--I somehow managed to buy TOO many books. A few here and then a few there and before I knew it--well you know. I can't help myself. It's kind of like that with me and shoes too. I am always on the lookout for a new pair of sandals, boots, running shoes. That's why I've got to get back to work--I need to stop spending money. Just finished a great book that you might be interested in. Did you read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? It was written by John Boyne--one of my favorite writers. Well, he has a new book out that I couldn't resist buying called All The Broken Places. Turns out that it's about Bruno's older sister Gretel. Bruno was the boy in the striped pajamas whose father was the commandant at Auschwitz. In All the Broken Places, Gretel Fernsby is a 91 year old woman living in London. She doesn't talk about her past for many reasons including the fear that she could be arrested. After a new family moves into her building, Gretel befriends the young boy who stirs up memories she'd rather forget. The chapters go back and forth between the past and the present where the reader learns about Gretel's life and the guilt, grief and pain she's managed to hide for most of her life. I really enjoyed revisiting the characters from the first book. It was interesting to learn about Gretel and see how the war shaped her life. It's about 380 pages and well worth the read.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
April 9, 2023 DON'T CRY OUT LOUD
Saturday, April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023 NO SPARE PARTS
Sunday, March 19, 2023
March 19, 2023 HANGING AROUND
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Took a tumble in Florida. Mini Tsunami hit me from behind and I went flying. When I got up--I knew something was wrong. My foot was killing me. Rallied though. Spent three more days in Florida limping/dancing around AND trying to ignore it. Finally had an X-ray on Monday. I have an oblique, mildly displaced fracture of the distal fifth metatarsal metadiaphysis. What the HELL does that even mean?? Basically--I can't run, play pickleball or walk for exercise for at least 6-8 week. I broke a bone near my right baby toe. SO SAD. Thankfully--I have a stack of about 10 books here to keep me occupied and help me stay sane. It's going to be a long 6-8 weeks though. If you enjoyed Snowflower and the Secret Fan then I think you will thoroughly enjoy Juhea Kim's debut novel Beasts of a Little Land. Set in Korea during the Japanese occupation, it is 1917 and a lone Korean hunter is tracking a tiger in the mountains when he is captured by Japanese soldiers. He later leads the soldiers out of the mountains in exchange for his life and the tiger he initially hunted, survives unharmed--setting a major theme in this historical fictional novel--there are several different kinds of beasts in Korea--figuratively speaking. The majority of the novel then follows Jade, a young girl whose mother sells her to a courtesan. As an apprentice, Jade becomes life long friends with Luna and Lotus. Jade grow up to become a celebrated courtesan and movie star in Seoul where she, Luna and Lotus befriend several men including Myungbo--who is fighting for Korean independence. Minister Ma, a lethal man with many mistresses. Jungho, an orphan and leader of a street gang and HanCol, a rickshaw driver who is in love with Jade. Find out what happens to these unforgettable characters as they try to survive a ruthless war, death, despair, starvation and heart ache. This novel is about 400 pages but the prose is beautiful and it's well worth the read. Enjoy
Sunday, February 12, 2023
February 12, 2023 TIME IS ON MY SIDE
If you could find out how long you had to live, would you want to know? That's a scary question right? On the one hand, it would be nice to know because then you could arrange your life in such a way that reflected the time you had left on Earth. It could also be a real downer, especially, if you found out you only had one year left. Not sure if I would want to know how many years I have left--it would probably freak me out. Blissful ignorance is more my speed. How about you? I recently finished a novel that examined this idea called The Measure by Nikki Erlick. As this thought provoking novel unfolds, every person in the world wakes up one morning and receives a small wooden box. Some choose to open the box, while others do not. Inside the box is a string and a message that reads "The measure of your life lies within". The people do not know where the boxes came from or what they mean at first. Over time, they come to realize that the length of the string equates to the length of their lives and the whole world must adapt to this new "order". Should people with shorter strings have to register with the government? Should the long stringers get better jobs? Should the government force people to open their boxes? The novel explores eight people who try to deal with this "new" world and the consequences of either opening or keeping the box closed. This is dystopia at its finest. The Measure is a fascinating but also disturbing story of about 350 pages about family and friendships and how lives are forever changed by a small box. Enjoy and be thankful we don't have to make that choice.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
February 5, 2023 IT'S NOT EASY TO BE ME
Sunday, January 22, 2023
January 22, 2023 BORN THIS WAY
Celebrated another birthday last week. Made it another 365 days. Thankful. But it seems to me that birthdays should be celebrated by the mother too. After all--if the mother didn't give birth then there wouldn't be any reason to celebrate right? Whenever we celebrate a birthday--I tell my kids the story of their birth. The whole drama--well most of it. They get all embarrassed but it's fun to reflect back on those days so that they can appreciate their own quirky arrival on this planet. After all-- every birth is different--and it's nice to know the circumstances surrounding your own birth. So--I'm really into Simone St. James these days. She writes mysteries, thrillers and even ghost stories. I really enjoyed her novel from 2020 The Sun Down Motel. This thriller begins in 1982. Viv Delaney leaves her hometown enroute to New York City. On the way, she stops in Fell, New York, to work as a night clerk at the Sun Down Motel to earn extra money. One day she disappears and is never seen again. 35 years later, her niece, Carly Kirk, decides to take a trip to Fell to visit the motel and find out what happened to her aunt. Strangely, the motel hasn't changed at all since 1982. In order to learn more about the motel, Carly take a job as the night clerk and finds herself wrapped up in the mystery her aunt found herself in years earlier. The story switches back and forth between Viv and Carly with several plots, twists, turns, and ghosts, but is easy to follow. Find out what happened to Viv in 1982 and if Carly becomes the latest victim when you read this 336 unsettling, page turner for yourself. BOO.
Friday, January 6, 2023
Monday, January 2, 2023
January 2, 2023 THE BEST OF TIMES
I know I'm a day late BUT I'd still like to share with you my stats and favorite books from 2022. I read 60 books but sadly only reviewed 23. I'll try to be better this year. My favorite books IN ORDER:
1) The Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne
2) Behind the Scenes at the Museum by Kate Atkinson
3) Still Life by Sarah Winman
4) Case Histories and the whole series which includes 6 books by Kate Atkinson
5) The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich
6) The Island of Sea Women by Lisa See
7) Oh William! and Lucy by the Sea. --part of a series of books by Elizabeth Strout
8) The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O'Farrell
9) The Sentence by Louise Erdrich
10) The Sundown Motel or any mystery by Simone St. James
If you haven't read any of these great books---get to it. They will get you through the long winter. Happy reading. Have a safe, happy and healthy New Year.