Not sure WHY we still turn the clocks back every fall. It's pretty ridiculous. I get that once upon a time--we needed Daylight Savings in order to take advantage of the sun during the summer--but why are we STILL doing it?? It's not a better use of daylight for me. IT'S PITCH BLACK BY 5:00!! It's a real drag. Why can't we just leave the clocks alone?? I like it lighter longer. Maybe I should start a campaign. LIGHTER LONGER. Wonder if anyone would join my campaign?? There is nothing worse than getting home from work in the DARK. Guess I'll have to double up on my vitamin D so I don't go into a PURPLE FUNK. Seriously--Getting TOO much SUN is bad for you--BUT getting NO SUN is equally BAD. Scientists believe we should get between 10-30 minutes of sunlight SEVERAL TIMES A WEEK. Not sure how that's supposed to happen now. Might have to invest in one of those lamps or move to the Arizona OR Hawaii--the ONLY states SMART ENOUGH TO DO AWAY this pesky tradition. Annie, the main character of Mitch Albom's new book
The Next Person You Meet in Heaven, has to go through her own rite of passage too.
If you read and enjoyed Mitch Albom's novella
The Five People You Meet in Heaven then you will definitely want to read this sequel. This lovely story is about Annie, the little girl Eddie saved at the amusement park. The accident that killed Eddie, left Annie with a severed left hand that had to be surgically reattached. She has blocked out the accident and has never been the same. As the story unfolds, Annie is marrying Paulo, her childhood sweetheart. She has finally found happiness--but for how long? After tragedy strikes, Annie finds herself on a journey with Eddie, one of the five people she meets on her way to heaven. Don't want to say anything else except this short novel is full of twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Albom's fine writing helped me realize that every ending is actually a new beginning. The book is only 210 pages or a 2 mile run that you can literally read in one sitting. Enjoy.
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