We became friends by default. Seriously. We didn't have a choice. We had mutual friends. In all fairness-- They were HER friends LONG before they became mine. Lucky for me-- she didn't mind sharing. The more the merrier was her attitude--we could ALL go to the party. That was almost 40 years ago. Although our friendship ebbed and flowed over the years--the connection was solid--an invisible wire holding the four of us together no matter how far we strayed. Harry Chapin explained THIS connection in his song
I Let Time Go Lightly. He said, "Old friends, they mean much more to me than the new ones......They can see where you are........And they know where you've been." That really sums it up well. Don't get me wrong-- I love all my friends--but Old friends are different. They really know where you've been because they lived through it with you. They've seen the GOOD--BAD--UGLY and--THANKFULLY-- decided to stick around. Although we physically have to say good bye to one of our dear old friends--she's still with us because the invisible wire is forever. It's been a privilege to be your friend.
I DO NOT want to end this post on a sad note because she wouldn't want me to. My friend was upbeat, selfless and determined. She NEVER complained but decided to LIVE EVERY DAY in the NOW. Following her lead, we too shall soldier on. I can't think of a better way to do this than to read Eckhart Tolle's
The Power of Now: A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment. In this best selling book, Tolle not only breaks down the teachings of Buddha in order to make them more accessible, but he also presents an easy guide to achieving spiritual awareness. In order to accomplish this, Tolle believes that we NEED to let go of the EGO and the control that the MIND has over all of our thoughts and actions. Tolle wants us to learn to live in the NOW. Tolle believes that we all need to live each day-- bask in its glory--appreciate it fully like my dear friend did. When we are able to do this, Tolles believes that we will be at peace and live a more healthy life. I haven't read the entire book yet, but sincerely believe that Tolle's book is inspirational and can be life changing if you are ready for change and make the commitment to change. This self-help book is about 220 pages long--3 mile run--that's worth the read.