Spring is DEFINITELY in the air. Saturday was ABSOLUTELY STUPENDOUS. Hope you got outside for some SUNSHINE and FRESH AIR. Seriously-- That's all it takes to make me happy. Even ran TWO DAYS IN A ROW. Haven't done that in a long time. It felt good. Yoga has really changed my approach to running. Actually--I never REALLY had an approach--I just did it. Now-- I really think about my form AND the key is engaging my UDDIYANA BANDHA. This is the Sandskrit word for STRONG AND ENGAGED CORE. I'm actually trying to incorporate the Uddiyana into my daily life. Whether I'm lifting-stretching-washing the dishes--I'm thinking about my posture--locking my lower belly and keeping a straight spine. This may sound easy, but it's actually hard because I'm easily distracted. It's a constant monitoring that will--HOPEFULLY-- eventually become NORMAL. Pretty sure I'm 2 inches taller when the Uddiyana is engaged. If you're looking for some added height give it a try--you won't regret it. You also won't regret reading

David Sedaris' collection of essays from 2000 called
Me Talk Pretty One Day--a number one National bestseller that is sure to make you smile.
Sedaris is an American humorist with a wit that is second to none. No one is safe from his antics--especially his family members. This book is divided into two sections. The first part of the book contains short stories about Sedaris' early life growing up in North Carolina. The stories about his father Lou crack me up. I especially liked "Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities" where Lou is determined that Sedaris be a musician even though he had shown ZERO interest or talent in playing the guitar. The second part of the book is after Sedaris moves to Normandy with his partner Hugh. Sedaris moves to France despite the fact that he only knows one French word--bottleneck. After a lonely year, he's determined to learn the language despite an evil teacher and crazy rules including assigning gender to inanimate objects as he writes about in the short story "Make that a Double." This book is laugh-out-loud funny at times and there is truly something for everyone in this collection. It's about 270 pages --4 mile run--that will have you wetting your pants!
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