20 days left of school. It's that time of year when EVERY day feels like a week. I'm not even kidding. I actually have to WILL myself through each day. Talk myself into having a good day. Beg myself not to say the WRONG THING. Shake my head and take a deep breath about 50 times a day. YUP--that's what it's like at the end of the year. AND THAT'S JUST FOR TEACHERS. Wonder if the seniors feel the same way? I bet they do. As for the rest of the student body.........they're just muddling through AP exams followed by FINALS. Like I said--It's an UGLY time of year. Stressful for all BUT a necessary Evil-I guess. See you on the other side. Until then, I'll leave you with a review of Alex Michaelides new book The Fury. I totally enjoyed The Silent Patient and The Maidens BUT this thriller/mystery did not live up to my expectations. Here's the premise--Lara Farrar is an ex-movie star who owns her own island in Greece called Aura. Every Easter, she invites a group of close friends for the weekend. By the end of the weekend, the reader learns about old jealousies, anger, revenge, desire AND that one of them has been killed. Sounds like an old Agatha Christie mystery right? This story is told through the eyes of Elliot Chase, a second rate author AND unreliable narrator. He introduces the reader to the cast of characters--unlikeable and whiny for the most part--who also spend the weekend on the island. Mix in just the right amount of red herrings and we have ourselves a mystery. I have to admit that I didn't know what was really going on until the bitter end BUTmy problem with the book was that I just didn't like any of the characters and didn't care who died. This novel has mixed reviews so I'm eager to know what you think.
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