Friday, September 20, 2024

September 20, 2024 SUPER FREAK

EXHAUSTED. Getting back to school is NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART. One minute I'm sitting on the beach reading AND RELAXING and the next I'm back to the GRIND. Getting up at the crack of dawn EVERY DAY for another marathon. It is really hard to TEACH ALL DAY. To be "ON" EVERY MINUTE.  My head is  spinning by the end of the day. AND I miss my summer exercise routine. NO more yoga classes at 7:00 am. OR running at 8:30. It's KILLING ME. AND finding the time to write my BLOG and READ. UGH. I guess I'll figure it out and have to get used to reading a book a week instead of a book in two days. The struggles of a bookworm are REAL. Just finished reading a really good book. Totally different vibe called Lost Man's Lane by Scott Carson. Set in 1999, in a small town called  Bloomington, Indiana, sixteen year old Marshall Miller has just gotten his driver's license. One the way home from the DMV, Marshall is pulled over for speeding--by a very creepy police officer--and gets a speeding ticket. The problem--The cop that gave him the ticket doesn't exist AND the girl in the back of his police cruiser has been reported MISSING. Marshall then meets Noah Storm, a private investigator looking for the missing girl.............and this is where the story gets strange. Don't want to say much more except that I really enjoyed this murder mystery--ghost story-- supernatural--coming of age story. It was a well-written novel with great believable characters including Weller, Kerri, Dom. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Again--totally different but worth the read--highly recommended by Stephen King too. 

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