Sunday, February 23, 2025

February 23, 2025 YOUNG AT HEART

Is sixty too old to reinvent yourself? To make a BIG change? As I look back over my career--I can definitely say that I like change. I'm NOT one of those teachers who can teach the same thing for thirty years. I've taught 5th grade, middle school English, High School English and for the last 6 years High School Art. Next question---would I even get hired for a new position at my age?? I don't feel OLD but then again who wants to hire someone my age when they could get someone YOUNGER with more energy-ideas-gusto.  It's a catch 22. I am an experienced teacher--BUT is there a point when you're TOO EXPERIENCED?  These are the things I'm pondering these days--REINVENT OR WHAT?? That's the question I can't seem to answer. Thankfully lost myself in a really good book called The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis that helped me forget my little problems for awhile. As this gem unfolds, Ashlyn Greer, a rare book dealer from New Hampshire, is spending the day at a thrift shop looking through old books when she comes across a beautifully bound book.  Intrigued by the book, Ashlyn immediately buys and reads it.  The book which was written in 1954 and authored by Hemi, tells his side of a tragic love story set during World War II with a woman named Belle.  Ashlyn becomes obsessed with the book and is determined to uncover the mystery, especially, after another book is found, told from Belle's point of view. This lovely novel flips back and forth between 1941 and 1984 as Ashlyn discovers the truth about the two lovers who were ultimately betrayed by family secrets and lie.  This book is filled with twists and turns and unforgettable characters who unknowingly help Ashlyn come to terms with her own life and help her trust and love again. 

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