Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017 MAKIN' PLANS

Just updated my mileage so far--455 miles--only 545 more to complete the 1000 mile challenge. Hoping to run 45 more miles by the end of June--then I'll have exactly 6 months left to run the other 500.  20-25 miles a week--80-90 miles a month over 12 months. I'm no mathematician BUT I think that will add up to over 1000 miles. That's the plan anyways. I'm really NOT a planner. SERIOUSLY.  This whole running schedule sounds like I'm some kooky, rigid person--I'M FAR FROM IT. I have no idea what's going on from one day to the next. I actually HATE plans. When I was younger, I used to have a calendar that was covered with plans--I actually looked forward to a FULL calendar. Knowing I had a plan comforted me in some odd way. Today, I CRINGE if I have too many things to do. If I have plans on consecutive nights--NOW that's a BIG problem. I have no interest in PLANS anymore. Not sure what happened. I used to love going to parties--socializing--the whole shebang.  NOT ANYMORE--making conversation--chit chat--eye contact--is A LOT of work these days. Must be an age thing. Macon Leary, encounters these problems and many more in Anne Tyler's winner of both the National Book Critics Circle Award and Ambassador Book Award, The Accidental Tourist. 

This is a wonderful, beautifully written novel about a couple, Macon and Sarah Leary, whose lives are  torn apart after the murder of their 12 year old son Ethan. Both are lost in their own sea of grief. Macon is a travel writer who publishes travel tips for businessmen--even though he hates traveling. He craves comfort, sameness and the ordinary-- which eventually drives his wife away. After Sarah leaves, Macon lives with his dog, Edward, until he breaks his leg and is forced to move in with his sister Rose while he re-cooperates. Macon's family is a collection of odd-balls. Rose is the caretaker--she's been taking care of Macon's eccentric, social blundering brothers for years. Add Macon and his dog to the mix and chaos ensues. The brother's can't stand Macon's dog and demand that Macon get him trained. Muriel Pritchett is the dog trainer. She is loud, tacky, outgoing, the opposite of Macon in every way. She also has a 7 year old son. The two eventually  start dating and Macon learns to live again--until his wife finds out and wants him back. Will Macon end his affair with Muriel and go back to his wife or will he choose to live a different kind of life?  Find out when you read this lovely book. It's about 350 pages or a 5 mile run--that will capture your heart. I don't say this often but---the movie is fabulous too. It was up for 4 academy awards in 1988 and won one. Enjoy!

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