I have been in love with reading my whole life. I remember when my grandmother bought me a copy of Charlotte's Web in Fourth grade-- I stayed up half the night because I had to know what happened to Wilbur and Charlotte. E.B. White, Beverly Clearly and Judy Blume were paramount to my childhood. I must have read Are You There God, It's Me Margaret a dozen times. Margaret became a great friend to me. I learned many lessons from not only her, but the characters in every book. Books so influenced my life, that I try to share this life long love with my students as an English teacher.
As an adult, I find the characters in books more interesting than most (okay--many) people. Don't get me wrong, I have many friends, but I long and feel most content when enveloped in a great book. I actually start to get nervous if my pile of "to read" books gets low--seriously!
Since I am a well-known book worm, people constantly come to me for book recommendations. Among my family and friends, I have developed a reputation as a well-read person of quality (usually) literature. Friends affectionately refer to me as their "book dealer;" someone they trust to help them navigate the often overwhelming variety of choices in the book world. Hence, my blog, The Belle of the Book. This blog makes it easier for me to share recommendations and other random things I ponder while out running or just wandering around town.
My hope is that you find this blog not only helpful; but more importantly, I hope it inspires you to want to find a cozy corner where you can curl up with a great novel and pass the day.
Find my blog at belleofthebookmrr.blogspot.com. You can also follow me on facebook, twitter or instagram. Have a great day. Happy reading.
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