What idiot runs on an injury for a whole year and EXPECTS IT TO GO AWAY. ME. I have ISSUES. It would be a NO brainer for most people RIGHT?? Just give it a rest. Stop running for a bit--NOT ME. I struggled to get through the summer--Yup--kept running even though my body was SCREAMING for a break. NOW-- I CAN'T RUN AT ALL AND I'M HAVING DIFFICULTY EVEN WALKING MY DOGS. My leg starts TINGLING AND MY FOOT GETS NUMB. My piriformis muscle is SO SWOLLEN--it's pressing against my SCIATICA. OUCH. Living in denial really got me in trouble this time. SO--I haven't run in 2 weeks. It was hard at first but I'm getting used to it. I'm going to take a few months off. Concentrate on yoga more. Can't believe I'm even putting this in writing--EVIDENCE--but after talking to my physical therapist I feel A LITTLE better. As he was trying to convince me to take a break from running he brought up a good point. He asked-- When's your off-season? Even professional athletes take a break right? And he's right. I've been running for 20 years and never had an OFF-SEASON. I guess it's time. It's also time for Texas Ranger Darren Mathews, the main character in Attica Locke's new book Bluebird Bluebird, to take a ride up Highway 59, a place where justice is hard to find.
Set in East Texas, Lark is a small rural town of 200, essentially stuck in time. After a local white woman is found dead in the bayou, Mathews is sent to investigate her murder only to find out that a black lawyer from Chicago was found two days earlier. Although the sheriff of Lark doesn't see a connection between the two deaths, Mathews knows better. Growing up black in East Texas, Mathews has learned all about prejudice. Shortly after arriving in Lark, Mathews meets the widow of the lawyer and promises to find the killer whom he believes is being protected by a white supremacist group. This is a story about race and justice in America--and it's not always black and white as Mathews finds out--no pun intended. This is a well written story with severals plots and subplots as well as secondary characters who come alive because of Locke's wonderful writing. This book is about 320 pages or a 4 mile run--well worth the read. FYI--just found out that this book is coming to FX as a new television series.
I hope you're doing better and thanks God you went through physical therapy!
ReplyDeleteI always recommend people to resort to physical therapy, because It's so beneficial to our physical and mental health, but mostly because it helps patients on their recovery. It's sad that people don't know how impactful undergoing physical therapy is. A website that has helped me become more aware of physical therapy and its importance is Preferred Rehab , you should check it out!