There are many mental and physical benefits of yoga. Not only does it increase flexibility--balance--muscle tone--strength--circulatory health--energy--vitality--weight loss-- It also makes you more MINDFUL. And that is the KEY. Because it teaches you how to breathe--clear the mind-- AND--live in the moment--It actually reduces stress--anxiety--depression. Yoga has personally helped me get into the GRATITUDE HABIT. Living in gratitude has changed my whole mind set-- focus on the POSITIVE. Okay--so I can't run like I used to--that's okay--I'm grateful that I can run and enjoy it. It's easy. And it really works. It's a game changer. The power of positivity is underrated--it attracts others and even changes the atmosphere. Now that's power! People really prefer to be around people who make them feel good. Negativity poisons--Positivity helps people thrive. It's a NO brainer. My yoga teachers stress--We have to take care of ourselves first. Then we can take care of others by shining our light--gratitude--positivity--kindness-- on others to make the world a better place. If you're looking for other ways to make positive changes in your life, you might want to pick up Gretchen Rubin's book The Happiness Project.
The Happiness Project is essentially Rubin's one year personal journey to reevaluate her life and make some changes in order to make her life happier. Rubin first identified the things that brought her joy. Then she made resolutions followed by actions that would help her attain her goal of living a more satisfied life. Some essentials of happiness in her book included--boost energy--remember love--aim higher--make time for friends--pursue a passion--pay attention and keep a contented heart. Rubin spent a month on each resolution and learned many things about herself and her family in the process. One of the interesting things about the book is that she draws on scientific studies about happiness as well as philosophy and the experience of others. There are definitely many parallels you will find between Rubin's struggles and your own as she tries to balance--work--kids--husband--and her own happiness. This self-help book is about 300 pages or a 4 mile run that could put you on the road to starting your own happiness project.
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