Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 5, 2019 THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND

Excerised my right to vote today--But my heart DEFINITELY wasn't in it. There are many things that perplex me about the whole shebang. Maybe I'm stupid but tell me WHY there aren't a bunch of educators on the Board of Education--teachers-principals--maybe a lawyer and  an accountant for good measure.  It's great that people  want to run for office but most people are WAY OUT OF THEIR LEAGUE. It's hard to make decisions when you don't know what the HELL is going on.  Maybe that's IT-- The POWERS THAT BE want to keep the STATUS QUO.  Wouldn't you want to make $140,000 and do NOTHING. Will the school system  REALLY CHANGE if the "RIGHT PEOPLE" get elected??  Probably not. WHY?? THE BIG WHIGS don't want it to or people might start asking questions. As for City Council--are my taxes going to go down? NO. Will I have to keep paying more because the school budget its out of control? Yup. Same problems--different year.

Sergeant detective D. D. Warren has many problems and questions in Lisa Garner's new crime novel Never Tell. This amazing psychological thriller is told through three different women. As the story begins, Evie Carter's husband Conrad has been shot three times and the police find her standing over his body with the gun in her hand. She claims she didn't do it. D. D. Warren is the detective assigned to the case. She immediately recognizes the defendant from another case. Warren investigated Evie 16 years ago for the accidental  death of her father. Flora Dane is Warren's confidential informant. She is also a survivor. She was kidnapped, tortured, raped and held for 472 days before being rescued. She immediately recognizes the murder victim  Conrad Carter. Confused?? Don't be. By the time you finish this crazy page turner all of your questions will be answered. I'm told this is a series but this is the first one I've read and I will definitely check out the others. This book is about 410 pages that will fly by  like a 4 mile run.


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