Saturday, May 18, 2024


Belated Happy Mother's Day to all the women out there who hold families together, sometimes at great sacrifice. Being a mother is probably one of the most challenging jobs of all. When the kids are young--we face exhaustion--later teenage angst brings out the worst in parents and kids alike--then adulthood--where we worry that they are safe, happy and healthy. It's definitely never ending BUT I can't think of a more rewarding thing to do with my life. This was a special Mother's Day for me because I finally ordered a REAL bedroom set after 31 years of marriage. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's true. NO worries, my kids always had the best of everythng BUT we kept putting off spending money on ourselves--til now. This "sacrifice" is absurd when compared to the daily sacrifices Sang Ly makes in the lovely novel The Rent Collector by Camron Wright. Sang Ly, husband Ki Lim and sickly son, Nisay, live in a waste dump call Stung Meanchey in Cambodia. Every day is a struggle as they make a living scavenging through the trash for metal, plastic or recyclables to sell in order to buy medicine for their son and pay the rent collector. The rent collector is a drunk woman who seems to be lacking in compassion until Sang Ly learns her secret after begging the rent collector for another day to pay their rent. As time marches on in the dump, Sang Ly and the rent collector form a friendship that ultimately changes both of their lives in many ways. This beautifully written story is a must read. It touches the heart in so many ways because it is a story of hope and the resilence of the human spirit in a world that seems doomed. This 288 page book is also full of life lessons that we all need to be reminded of at times. 

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