Thursday, July 11, 2024


Finally......a break in the humidity. I don't know about you BUT this humidity is a killer. It just sucks the life right out of me. I become a huge blob--can't get out of my own way. What a difference a day makes--I feel completely energized again--the sun is shining, birds are chirping and I'm NOT dripping in sweat. Don't think the weather affected me this way when I was younger BUT in my advancing age----I really feel it. I'm just hoping that July's not the new August and August's isn't the new September. That would be a shame. The only good thing about the humidity is that I read a lot--because I can't move. Literally read a 500 plus page book in a few days that I really enjoyed called Three by Valerie Perrin. Set in a small town in France called La Comelle, it is 1986 when ten year old Adrein, Etienne and Nina  meet and become inseparable. They share good times, bad and the usual ups and downs of growing up. They vow to move to Paris together after graduation to attend school and become musicians, but something happens and the future is forever changed. They no longer speak. It is now 2017 and a car is pulled out of the lake in their hometown with a body in it. Who is the body? What does this have to do with the three friends? This interesting story of friendship, betrayal, grief and forgiveness spans several decades as the narrator, Virginie, takes the reader through their lives which are filled with twists and turns and ultimately a redemption of sorts because time heals all. This is a lovely story originally written in French and translated by Hildegarde Serle. It did take me a bit to get into it, but then I couldn't put it down. I was competely drawn into their world and needed to know what happened to these friends and how it would end. Give it a try. Let me know what you think. 

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