Friday, February 24, 2017

February 24, 2017 AS TIME GOES BY

Best week ever. Seriously. The weather has been spectacular--I've actually been running SO much that my legs are exhausted--NOT complaining though. I have also had 3--YES COUNT THEM--3 days-- ALL TO MYSELF. What a dream come true. I can't remember the last time it was--ALL ABOUT ME. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it too. I totally unplugged -- and believe me--you can really hear a lot more when it's quiet. I was able to concentrate and fully be in the moment whether I was running, reading or trying my hand at watercolor painting. It's funny how life works--it's all about us when we are young--AND--then it is snatched away after we have kids. It somehow becomes all about them--in my family anyways. Believe it or not-- it does come back around. You just have to open yourself up to it. Remember who you used to be--way back when. One good thing too--the older version of yourself will be more forgiving.  It's okay if my times are slower, I don't get to read as many pages as I want or even that my paintings and drawings aren't perfect. Time makes us more accepting of ourselves and of others and that's a good thing. Life is precious--time is precious and it should be enjoyed for the most part. Everyone  needs  to take the time-- don't forget who you are. One day your kids WILL be grown and you don't want to find yourself looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person staring back.
This happens in some degree to Catherine Ravenscroft in Renee Knight's psychological thriller from 2015 called Disclaimer.  Catherine is a  happily married, highly successful documentary film maker who seems to have the perfect life. Catherine, however, is haunted by a long buried secret that has come back to haunt her--in the form of a book that appears on her nightstand. Someone has written a book detailing her life and the secret she is hiding. How could that be-- the only other person who knows the secret is dead?? This secret, if exposed, could ruin the carefully tailored life that Catherine has created for her family. This is the story of revenge and the price we pay for hiding the truth. Catherine's finally crafted world is falling apart and the only way she can fix it is to confront the past but in doing so--will every illusion crumble?? Read this fantastic book to find out what happens to Catherine and her family when she finally confronts her past.  It's a quick read--almost impossible to put down--and did I mention the shocking twist at the end??? Anyways, it's about 300 pages or a 4 mile run that  you will find IMPOSSIBLE to put down. Guaranteed!

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